Thursday, March 1, 2012


So I've done pretty well this week, my biggest problem is eating on a weird schedule. I will not eat for hours and hours, and then all of the sudden realize I'm really hungry and eat a ton at once.

Tuesday I had some toast for breakfast, a few slices of frozen pizza for lunch and eggs for dinner.
Wednesday I had some toast and coffee for breakfast, leftover frozen pizza for lunch, and chicken taco soup for dinner.
So far today I haven't had anything but coffee for breakfast, but I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal here in a bit. I might try to make some oatmeal fruit yogurt stuff my friend showed me the other day for lunch, it's pretty healthy and very yummy. Not sure what I'm going to make for dinner yet. I teach lessons on thursdays so it either has to be something I can make ahead of time, or throw together very quickly after my lesson is over. Maybe some kind of salad, with some tuna, or maybe just some leftovers.

I worked out on tuesday night and did really pretty good. We started out doing hanging cleans for a 1 rep max, and I got a new PR! I made it up to 95 lbs! Then we did this workout...

15 – 12 – 9:
Ring Rows
Inchworms into Push Up (Hand release)
Then at the end of each round:
200m Run
:30 Plank Hold
My time was 12:30, which was right up there with some of the better people in the class, so I felt really good afterward, especially since the workout involved running which I HATE! I'm hoping to get back to the gym at least 1 more time this week.